A little Christmas eve magic from my house to yours....
On Christmas Eve, I always feel the full on awe of the full magical potential of all that lies in the unknown vastness of "future" and holding the childlike belief that the morning will bring the fulfillment of all of our desires and wishes in the most amazing unexpected way that we could never begin to dream in or create ourselves. The belief that we are supported and gifted wonders from the Mystery of Source and the Unknown - truly what a remarkable energy to be able to hold in our hearts and minds! Childlike innocence and trust that we are surrounded by beauty and gifts and sweetness...and it is assured that we will be "gifted" with them without needing to do anything but receive!

(Art Work by my son Braeden Rombach - Copyrighted. Do not copy, distribute or use in any form without permission.)
Christmas Eve, we tend to gather in front of the fireplace and read a few of our favorite magical stories and listen to music that fills us with hope and aliveness. We have certain stories that we always read, movies we always watch (Muppets Christmas Carol!) but also enjoy reading new stories that we came across through the year. Since I live far away from the majority of my family, I often record myself reading stories to share with my niece and grand-nephews, and capture them for my future granddaughters and generations to come. And decided to share one of these with you, in case you might appreciate a little story by the fireplace....
So, make yourself a hot spiced cider or cup of hot chocolate (of course there MUST be marshmallows!), pull up a chair by the fire and enjoy me reading God Bless the Gargoyles by Dav Pilkey.
"May you be peaceful, may you be happy, may you be free from suffering. May your life unfold with grace and ease" ~ Buddhist Mantra and Blessing
"Old City Bar" - a favorite musical story of Christmas spirit
Another one of our family favorite traditions is Transiberian Orchestra and their amazing Christmas productions....stories told through their music. This is not your classic Christmas music! Their Live shows are truly something to behold! Flames, neon lights, heavy metal guitar....Christmas is not real in our house unless we have listened to every single Transiberian Album, preferably twice. Usually entails crazy dancing and a whole lot of air guitar with Wizards of Winter (please don't tell me that you have never experienced this song!) and always includes me weeping as I feel into the stories they are telling.
One of my favorite story-songs that I feel reflect the Christmas energy and spirit:
"Old City Bar"
But truly to understand the power of the story when performed:
Stories told through music, that ignite the energy inside of us....Christmas in all of its essence.
"If you want to arrange it
This world, you can change it
If we could somehow
Make this Christmas thing last
By helping a neighbor
Or even a stranger
To know who needs help,
You need only just ask" ~ Lyrics Old City Bar
Finally, Lights under the Tree - with Christmas Canon Rock
Always always, when the house has gone to bed, I enjoy a few secrets moments to myself, lying under the Christmas tree and looking up through the lights, reflecting on the moments of the year in all of their aliveness, whether pleasant or painful, full of grace or grief. I simply feel that present of myself in that moment, quiet, under a tree, lit with twinkling lights and strung with angels and birds and crystalline balls of color...and I put on a fave song of mine (Transiberian Orchestra "Christmas Canon Rock") and listen and always end up tears streaming down my face, as I feel the hope of the dreams of future moments waiting for me to live them, to ALIVEN them! My secret few moments, of weeping under the Christmas tree for the magical hope and dreams that are alive somewhere inside of me, waiting to present themselves, like gifts received and given through me, if we allow them.
So there's space under the tree with me if you would like a few secrets moments of dreaming and hoping and "praying that our lives will show this dream we have is not forgotten" .
With blessings on this Christmas Eve.....I hope your dreams glisten and the light inside of you feels enlivened, with hope, with innocence in knowing without-a-doubt that your desires and purest wishes will come true.
Now off to bed you go....there is magic afoot! The angels and stars await....